Grading Scale and Breakdown
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Below you will find my grading scale. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I firmly believe that my students are capable of challenging themselves, and I feel that my grading scale reflects that. An A is certainly attainable - but it will also require dedication and work in order to achieve it.
A     95.4% - 100%
A-    93.4% - 95.3%
B+    91.4% - 93.3%
B     88.4% - 91.3%
B-     86.4% - 88.3%
C+     84.4% - 86.3%
C     81.4% - 84.3%
C-     79.4% - 81.3%
D+     77.4% - 79.3%
D     73.4% - 77.3%
D-     69.4% - 73.3%
F     0% - 69.3%
The freshman grading scale is weighted into five components as follows:
Tests 30%
Quizzes 30%
Speeches/Writing 20%
Vocabulary 10%
Daily Work 10%
“When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people, not characters. A character is a caricature.” ~ Ernest Hemingway