English balances a study of literature, grammar, vocabulary, spelling,
and writing. Students study short stories by a variety of authors,
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and
excerpts of Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, which contains classics of
Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. In addition to the literature
previously stated, students are also required to read Accelerated Reader
novels and take computerized comprehension tests over the novels.
Writing assignments are interwoven into the literature in the form of
weekly journal assignments that cover a variety of styles. Students also
complete several larger writing units, including a formal research
paper. Grammar is studied during both semesters through DOL (Daily Oral
Language), with the first semester focusing on the parts of speech and
the second semester focusing on conventions and usage. A 30-lesson
vocabulary series is used to expand student’ vocabulary. The series
incorporates the study of analogies, which requires the students to
review words from previous lessons.
Texts Used:
Literature, grade 9. (2012).
Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Holt Handbook
Grammar-Usage-Mechanics-Sentences Third Course,
John E. Warriner, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2003.
Supplementary Materials Used:
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Accelerated Reader Novels
Fahrenheit 451
Romeo & Juliet (Franco Zeffirelli)
Romeo & Juliet (Baz