Select an AR book.
Choose a book from
the list – found in my classroom or the library (a red dot does not
guarantee AR)
Each AR book is
worth a certain amount of points. You may read any combination of number
of books/points each book is worth.
For example: 3
books at 5 points each = 15 points for the quarter
5 books at 3 points each = 15 points
for the quarter
Read the book.
Take a quiz over the book.
Take the AR test on
the computer in my classroom before school, after school, during my
planning time (5th hour), or during advisory. Please schedule
a time with me.
As long as you pass
the AR quiz, you will receive full points for the book.
All quizzes must be
completed a few days before the end of the quarter – I will post this
date as it gets closer. Keep track of your own points in your planner –
I will not add up your points until the AR due date.